NO, what other choice do I have available?

Note: dit is een engeltalige audio van Dain Heer over bewustzijn, wat kan het aan jou bijdragen nu en in de toekomst? Waar trekt je aandacht naartoe? 

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".. If just for today you allowed yourself to be aware of every molecule - your connection with every molecule.. Okay including the molecules of the building, including the molecules of the earth beneat your feet, including the molecules of your chair..

And just today.. every time you are gonna make a choice that seems to limit any of those molecules including yours .. You go..

NO, what ohter choice do I have available?

The beauty of consciousness is, you always have another choice available. If what you're choosing is not creating more, not expanding you, not making you lighter.. there is always another choice available. Okay? 

That's part of the beauty of consciousness.

Does that sound like if it is of interest to any of you?"

- Dr. Dain Heer
